You know what that means: do all the homework that you promised yourself you'd do at the beginning of break to save yourself the stress.
So far I've managed to do all my of my pre-cal packet, all of my chemistry homework, all of my English assignments, and two of my four APUSH essays. That leaves two APUSH essays and my 400 paged novel in English to be presented orally tomorrow. Seems easy enough, right? Unfortunately it takes me about two and a half hours to do each of my history essays, and God knows how long it'll take me to skim through my book. Fuck, I need to start to get some novels that are actually found on Sparknotes or something, it would be sooo much easier.
Anyways, hopefully this is my last bit of procrastination. See you all tomorrow :P
*PS, my hair is getting longer! I think I might keep it at shoulder length for a while