Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Oh how bittersweet this break is. I am so so so enthralled to finally get more than enough sleep, not have to worry about Ms. Hill's class, and clean and cook and do all the things that I've been intending to do for the longest time! Unfortunately, at the same time, I haven't been very active at all. I barely moved a muscle all day aside from the times that I wanted to cook for myself. With Austin gone and no one inviting me to do anything, I've just kinda become one with the couch. I think tomorrow I might go out to the movies with a couple of folks, but I'm not sure if I even can go out tomorrow because I promised my sister I'd only watch Twilight with her .. oh I don't know. I really do need to get out though, I need to get dressed up for something and fix up my hair and face and all that junk. I wish I was in Hawaii right now. Sunglasses, flowy dresses, flower in my hair, bathing suit always under my clothes, luaus, cruises, hammocks, sunsets, palm trees, the ocean waves, the sandy beaches, humid air, tropical foods, etc. Oh well, at least I got my laundry done

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