Wednesday, January 28, 2009

it's working!

Went downstairs early today. My mom said I was wearing too much makeup, but it all ends up rubbing off anyways. I guess in this case, more is less.

1st- Oh my God. Ms. Hill's class is actually fun to me. Okay, not really.. but it's just great to feel like I'm on top of all my work and she has no reason to yell at me until she explodes. I know fourth quarter will be hell, but as of now, I'm enjoying the ride
2nd- Been on an ultimate high after getting that good score on the exam. I get math, I do my math homework, Aus didn't get sent out today! (:
3rd- Yeah, still hate this class. I should study and stop relying on Tommy and Julie because I honestly feel bad. I really really wanted to be the one to supply the answers this time, but for some reason Jim wouldn't step out of that damn room. Next time, I guess. Sorry guys
4th- Got our books, the end.
5th- Sooo on top of my work in Marte's. I love understanding the concepts that she teaches us. Once again, got to hang out with lab partner #1, Hannah! Talked about throbbing body parts and how they can be such sly devils sometimes hahaha
6th- Finally exercised! Everyone in that class is so damn lazy. I loved working out. Wall sits and jogging and core workouts, yay! I wish Loushin would do this more often.

Afterschool- Tried to get to a thrift store with Aus, Coleen, and Ken. Something happened with Coleen's work schedule so we ended up not going. Napped for almost 2 hours, watched some HIMYM, almost pissed my pants from a tickle attack, fun fun fun. Finally got the usb with the Christmas Eve pictures on it, but once I saw them I wasn't as happy as I thought I'd be. My face is so dead! Blah, thanks anyways Boo (: I love the music

Got home, watched some of the Devil Wears Prada, washed the dishes, and was prepared to go to church with my mom and dad because idk, I still feel really bad about the way I yelled at them. Mom's blood pressure was too high to go anywhere so she stayed home and I cooked her some raviolli. We talked and watched some of the movie. I put away the groceries for her and gave her some frozen veggies to help her relax. It's nice making my mom happy.

Life is good.