Last night, my mom said that I couldn't take drivers ed this weekend so I slept from about 7-12 to relieve all my frustration. I guess I'll just take the classes online, fuck. Woke up at 12 and ate steak and mashed potatoes while watching that 70s show season 2 until around 2am.
Afterschool, went to Aus' house and slept on his couch. His momma made some good ass food that looked like it came out of a catalog. Fuck the lunch my mom makes, haha. Planned out his room renovations and then walked home. Made up some bs to my mom about how I hate my drama teacher then started to watch that 70s show again.
Ate finally posted some LA pictures:

1 comment:
drivers ed?!?!1
omg, you're growing up!!!!
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