English exit exam. Woke up with a headache that only worsened throughout the day. Wanted to sleep right after I finished, but Hill is crazy and wanted us to read a book after reading all that shit on the exam. Drama rehearsals in VCAT. Ride home from Kyanna, thank God, and enjoyed her little brother(?) blankly staring at me. The headache became a migrane but thanks to an overdose of medications, I was able to overcome it slightly. Full eight hours of sleep for once. Really boring, useless day of my life.
Woke up feeling better. Got my good luck eyelid kisses (: The math exit exam was cake! Spent around half an hour talking to Hill and trying to convince her to play charades or telephone with us. Finally, the food came, and it sucked. Afterwards, went straight to 5th period and was greatly disturbed by Armando's hair. Q: which is more insulting: being called a cunt or a bitch? Exercised next to Mariko and couldn't stop cracking up. I can't wait until she joins tennis!
Drama club finals today. Garrison took FOREVER! Got there around 2 and ended around 6. Had fun putting on makeup and talking with all the drama girls. I got purple/teal lights (: Garrison couldn't stop yelling at the camera guys and the guys couldn't stop making me laugh. Pulled it off within two takes and was pretty happy with my performance. Could have done "THEY DON'T CARE" a little better doh.
*Not very excited for my birthday. Hope I get kidnapped on Friday/Saturday, haha. Family on Sunday. Sweet 16! Where's MTV doh?! shooot
my hair is disturbing?
this word verification thing is making me type TRICK.
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