Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I need to find that USB cord

my Mickey, his Minnie

staying the week at Aperil's I love the new seating chart
Mafreako aka my kick ass badminton partner L is for the way you look at me Napolean you take two tech decks no makeup! :O
my first fill fever of 102 ):
cross eye #1
cross eye #2 red dots!
the musical is over
this toilet paper baby looked funny to me
a stupid game list that carried on in bioArm
I don't get why it has to be hate
Kim always wants to be where the food is
Model Munir and his entouragethe ugly girl that sits behind me (:
Bill the Woodcutter
Puppeteer #1
first show!
getting ready
choco face


Charles McClanahan said...

nice blog, hi.

m a r i k oooo said...

heck yeah i love them. i listened to them when i was like .. 4 years old.