Monday, April 20, 2009

vee pee!

talent show auditions, hella fun being on stage

Picnic Day at UCD, that school is awesome! Got sunburn though

Shopping shopping shopping

1st- Ms. Hill luckily talked a lot and passed a lot of time
2nd- I was having a blonde day
3rd- 90 Q "final', most of the questions were on the handout
4th- Talked about colleges and careers, blegh
Lunch- Tie between Junior Secretaries. Revote during lunch
5th- Didn't feel well, woke up in time to hear that the Junior officers were Marvin, Austin, Lorenzo, and I - "The Dream Team"
6th- Girl talk! Plans to make cupcakes from scratch

Watched Twilight while trying to cool myself down from the 90 degree weather. Chilled until 5 when I went to Austin's to ride his newly finished fixie. Hella fun learning how to skid until I got a call from my parents, I'm in trouble. Hella sucks that when I ask if I can hang out at his place, they say no. So when I don't ask if I can go out, I'm still in trouble. I wish they would just be okay with me chilling over there since there is always parental supervision. What's so wrong with hanging out with my boyfriend? I have straight A's, I'm VP, I'm looking around colleges, I'm not a bad person. But damn, I always feel like one whenever I'm around my parents. Fuck, this sucks.


15 months <3

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