So reccently..
My hair was starting to look ridiculously afro-tastic, so I cut it myself for once. Around midnight I got some scissors and a razor and tried my best to cut my hair to my likings. I'm pretty everything is different lengths and slightly crooked, but oh well! I'm happy with it (:
I got food poisoning again
Celebrated Mothers Day on both Saturday and Sunday. The entire weekend wasn't what I had planned. Friday, Aus and I were supposed to triple date to the movies and then hit the Talent Show afterwards. Saturday was either Axl's surprise party or the Praise Party where we would all present out group Saint Projects. Sunday was Mothers Day. What ended up happening on Friday was Aus and I went to watch star Trek alone, then left the movies too late to catch the talent show. Saturday, my sister unexpectedly came home to celebrate Mother's Day early. Sunday, I planned to make my mom a good breakfast followed by a home cooked lunch. The pancakes I made for breakfast got burnt and we ate out to a buffet for lunch.
Happy Birthday AXL! Happy Belated Birthday BRIANNA! Happy Almost Birthday HANNAH
Deep fried prime rib sushi burger seven's (Group 7's) Saint Project was a hit
I can't drive around because I don't have insurance yet. I wish I could take my next driving lesson now just so I can go out and drive again.
I'm broke. I'm basically living off of coins. I need a job.
I applied for AP History. I hope that Garrison lets me switch out of Humanities since it SUCKS
I have straight A's (:
It's spirit week
Aus made me the best mixed cd <3
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