Aus' new sweater

May 21
Happy 16 Months! Worked until about 3am the night before finishing my Symbol Project which I think turned out pretty damn good despite all the typos I found today. Afterschool, helped Aus build his new fix then headed to the movies to watch Terminator Salvation on the first day it came out. I was sooooo excited, but it sucked ): Talk of going to another movie was suggested by the middle of the movie. Afterwards, went to Old Navy where Aus bought himself a sweater and bought me a cute peace bag. Walked over to Petco where we checked out our soon to be Bubbah fishy, then waited outside of the movies for my parents to pick us up. Great night (: I am sooo incredibily happy with my life
May 22
1st- hard ass test. Calvin was put on blast for like 10 minutes for his MM project
2nd- Werris let us fix our last exam all day. I wish I knew how to do that permutation Q
3rd- played with Rhea's hair all day and almost died from laughing with everyone. I found out that I have dimples under my eyes when I laugh, haha
4th- talked to Mafreako the whole period about TOTC
Lunch- FUNKY F. FRIDAY. I thought there was going to be fireworks and a special guest or something. Turned out to be a normal musical Friday with rapping, dancing, and drums. Not bad
5th- Ms. Martizzle talked about her life, she is sooooo cute
6th- our team lost an epic match of volleyball, but we can't deny that it was fun and that we have the most heart. I'm really glad that we're slowly getting that crazy girl to start hitting the ball
Afterschool, Aus surprised me outside of the locker rooms. He had been on some cleanup fieldtrip and seeing him made me super happy. Went riding with Aus for a little. I can't wait until my fix gets running!!! <3
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