"fuck we are juniors. fuck we are old. fuck"
Hahaha, so true. Today was the last day of school, although it really didn't even feel like it. Dragged myself to Ms. Marte's class. We turned in our Bio books today, then went immediately to the final. Literally half way through my final, I realized that I forgot this card that I made for the Bubbah inside my Bio book! I asked to go and get it, and when the librarian found it, I'm not going to lie, I felt a little silly. Went back to class, finished the final with the help of SM and Munizzle, hahahaha he literally helped me with each of those extra credit Q. Once everyone was finished, Ms. Martizzle popped in Planet Earth for us all to watch. The bell rang but a couple of us stayed back to watch the ducks plop onto the ground as they tried to fly for their first time. So cute! Afterwards, me and the rest of Ms. Marte's favorite students<3
The last period of the day was PE. I finally cleaned out my PE locker and brought home two pairs of shorts, a thermal, a sweater, a tank top, three pairs of shoes, one pair of socks, and some sweats. DAMN! Afterwards, we took the written test and MaFreako and I partnered up. That test was totally unfair! How dare she make the majority of the test about badminton! We were assigned to write a paragraph on the back of the test stating our most memorable moment, and to be honest, there were so many that I couldn't really specify. I wrote some BS, then ended it with "Yeah, it was great. Girl talk. Yee!" HAHAHA. The rest of the period, we looked at the senior paintings, sang the Lucky song, and played lots of tennis. I was happy to see that I wasn't too bad at playing (: Yay.
Afterschool felt like a movie. Once the bell rang kids were rushing out of their classes throwing their papers in the air and announcing their new titles. Got a ride with Momma Link and Aus to Yo Sushi to share the expensive delicacy that is sushi. YUMMY!!!!! The rest of the day I spent with Aus watching him play UFC, messing around with music, walking, biking, (: Yay
Hello summer, hello SoCal, hello fun!
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