Monday, June 8
FINALS!!!! My hardest finals just happened to be back to back.
Hill gave us a fairly easy 400Q test + some diagramming, conjugating, and a short paragraph. It actually wasn't too bad, just VERY time consuming. There was no time at all to double check. Afterwards, we only got about 15 minutes to rest our brains until our next final. I just happened to have math second period. GOOD LORD! I probably circled about 30 out of the 41 Qs on the test before I took a nap and drank some Vitarain in order to regain my senses. I think I did .. okay. My brain was wayyy too fried to double check ):
Afterschool, got detention for playing this fun game across the room with Aus. I don't see why I got in trouble, I wasn't disturbing anyone! Oh well, had to pee SOO badly but Werris wouldn't let us out until I was near bursting.
Went to Aus' house, hit our new spot but brought a blanket this time, sunbathed a little, headed back and tried to learn to skid - fail, hit the punching bag, played with a balancing board, Daniel comes over, watch him mess with his bike chain, walk home, clean, catch up with Kuya, quick talk with Ate, Papa surprised us all by showing up in Vallejo, went out to eat, cut my hair, cleaned some more, no studying for me (:
Lub my Bubbah <3
Sunday, June 7
Walked Milo with Aus for a little bit,
revisited this nice ass spot with a really beautiful view,
went to church,
talked to Mycl Belen about Berkley .. ah!,
decided that I'm going to be a catechist for sure,
study study study!!!!
Saturday, June 6
Go to the Bencia State Park with my momma and Milo,
try to run a straight 3 miles,
this Grandpa seriously out runs me,
get some steak fries from Red Onion,
go to the filipino festival for the first time ever,
saw some good local bands and lots of filipino people,
met Pepe and hella Benicia kids formally,
Aus leaves, I leave
go to Sacramento to hang out with LaChelle,
drama all around me!
always nice catching up with LaChelle (:
Friday, June 5
I don't remember much .. didn't get to go to Miggy's farewell party ): I think I spent the night fixing my nails doh, great success!
Thursday, June 4
I don't remember ):
Wednesday, June 3
Went over to Mariko's house to do our Bio project. Hannah, Munir, and I drove over to Mariko's all the way in Mare Island, Good Lord. HELLA FUN DAY DOH (: Pad volleyball, being Muslim for a day (no pork), deep talks, less than three stickers (arts and crafts), pictures pictures pictures. Sorry this wasn't the descriptive blog that I promised .. the pictures make up for it!
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