Good day of drivers ed online. Yes, I haven't finished that shit yet. Was about to take the final to pass the whole thing, but it required a password that they either didn't provide or I was just too blind to find. Fuck shit cunt.
Night time, talked deep with the boo. We talked of cars and driving during the summer and ahh, it's so exciting. So many plans! I can't believe how much we're all growing up. Sure, it's a scary thought, but just imagine what we'll be able to do with our cars and our jobs and !!! I can't wait.
Woke up feeling GREAT, amen.
1st- Turns out that she postponed the test yet again to rest our brains for the exit exam. Singled out Julie and I for not going on the ski trip, haha she loves us.
2nd- Werris is a liar! I could have brought my schedule. Going to try to keep this math book in a binder this time
3rd- Omg, soo annoyed. Almost broke out into one of my laughing fits, but was able to control it for the most part.
4th- Didn't do shit (:
Lunch- Hella funny pushing Werris and shit while she was trying to get to "the top" Gabe's a bitch! Yay, haha
5th- Used my nails for evil and not good :(
6th- Actually dressed hoping we'd play "crab soccer" but ended up playing basketball instead. Calvin is hella good
Aus and I went to our first singing rehearsal. It was fun! It still makes me sad that I'm not Sydney Grimm, but people have told me enough that I'll get a part next year that I don't care as much. The singing was still fun and the songs are a lot better, catchier, and easier than last years musical. Got some hella good fishy graham cracker things, yum yum.
Fell asleep, went to confirmation, watched a video on sex and God. Turns out, Claire is my future spouse (;
Got home and exercised for the first time in foreverrrr. It felt GREAT. Sprinted, jogged, sprinted, jogged, foot work, tennis swings, pushups, situps, etc. Yay, I was working up a sweat by the end.
Ended the night by talking to the boo until he fell asleep. We're solid <3
Ended the night by talking to the boo until he fell asleep. We're solid <3
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