Monday, June 29, 2009
I don't like blogger
I'm getting a tumblr HAHAHA
nah really, I might
random thoughts
Friday, June 26, 2009
unusual sort of torture
July is always a super busy month <3 I'm pretty excited
Thursday, June 25, 2009
meet me in montauk

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
today, I met a monster
PS - I hella wanna join a kickboxing class
Thursday, June 18, 2009
in no specific order

LA was fun! Kuya finalllyyyyy graduated (: The ceremony was nice, and I do believe we were the loudest family by far. The neon green shirts turned out to be a big hit throughout the day, and even Kuya ended up putting his on. Went out to eat at this place called Buca de Bepo and ate in this crazy Pope room with this giant Pope in the middle of the table just staring at us. Afterwards, we went back to Kuya's to nap and place UFC. Headed to Balboa Island to look around then dropped off Kuya and went to Downtown Disney. Tried to work my wiles on one of the workers to get the three of us - Ate, Mike, and I - into Disneyland for 50 dollars. EPIC FAIL, but still a good story haha. Tried to absorb some of the magic of Disneyland by going into the World of Disney and buying those delicious churros.
Once I got home, went picnicing with Aus at our spot. Bought a Maui Zaui pizza and gave him all his gifts from LA. Unfortunately got some really bad mosquito bites. Our spot has no shade and we were without a beach umbrella so we did our best to make a fort out of sticks and blankets. It was great fun.
On Monday, went out with some people from confirmation. All you can eat sushi in Davis, comic book store, bowling, Fenton's, then my first catechist training. FUN!
Today, went adventuring with Tracy and Kuya in Walnut Creek. Found this amazing bookstore where all these books were 2 dollars or under. We ended up buying about 12 books all amounting to about 11 dollars. WOW! Afterwards, we stopped by this mexican restaurant that was cheap and delicious. I ate a super burrito that literally left me full all day. Afterwards, it just happened to be the farmer's market day + live performances. We left early due to heat and food coma. Fun doh (: After a little bit of rest, went walking with Milo and the Bubbah<3>
LA this weekend, HAAAAAAAAAAAAY <3
what an awesome day
get ready and pack some snacks
mom and I pick up Aus
"the talk" oh good Lord
lunch date at AppleBees
we missed Isaac :P
walked to the movies
the tickets for UP-3D was expensive
bought tickets for regular show time
brought my 3D glasses from Disneyland
they didn't work ):
bought an entirely new ticket
saaaaaad movie ..
I had something in my eye, haha
walk over to Petco
finally bought out behbah fishy
DOUG! doh<3 - "I was hiding under your porch b/c I love you"
go back home and grab some clothes
tennis + leftover Applebees
FUN ASS DAY (: <33333333 soo glad I was able to hang out with the Bubbah
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Got to Humanities and skimmed through this year's yearbook. I was yet again photographed in the tennis section. Good Lord, I was ripped. The majority of the period I spent reading Chapter 18. It wasn't until I made it half way through the chapter that George tells me that he has the test and I need not study any more. Wow, thank God. I mean, I really didn't even need to take the test in order to maintain my A, but oh well. After I realized that I could relax, a couple of us played Heartattack until Munir got stabbed by someone's nails, party foul! Finally we took the test and I ended up only getting one wrong. Goodbye forever Humanities!!!
During break, went to Ms. Werris' room and checked what I got on the final. I got an A in the class and a B on final. It's all good, I'm glad that I was able to get a B despite my major melt down.
Go to French for our "final." Aubrey was the only one to bring food for our "potlock," but was generous enough to share with everyone. We watched Yes Man first, which turned out to be pretty funny. I wonder what would happen if I said yes to everything ... Anyways, after that movie we still had about half an hour to kill so we threw in Wall-E which turned out to be just as cute as everyone had said it would be. "EEEEVAAAAA!" Goodbye forever French :/ I'm actually going to kinda miss this class, it was like an unannounced Study Hall.
Good year!
Afterschool, I sprained my ankle ): The worst part was that it wasn't even during the treacherous run down the dirt hill at the front of the school, but it was while we were walking to the crosswalk, out of no where! I guess I stepped on the curb and fell onto my ankle or something like that. Either way, I was on the ground tearing up and moaning in pain. Aus helped me cross the street with his shoulder, but we had a little more to go in order to get to the Skatepark where we said we'd wait to get picked up. Aus ends up giving me a piggy back ride all the way to the park (: Hahaha, I felt like such a fat little baby, sniffling and being carried around. My bubbah is the best <3 thank you! and .. sorry, haha
Monday, June 8, 2009
last week

Sunday, June 7, 2009
Thursday, June 4, 2009
new goals
school is insane, summer is so close!, highschool is scaring me, laughing is a workout, studying is a must.
yesterday was the best! I don't have many people in vallejo whom I can truly call friends, but I think things are gradually changing. I'm really happy (:
today, hung out with the bubbah. he's the best <3 hahahah "remember when you rolled down that hill?"
I'm going to blog long and descriptive later, I'm just soooo damn tired.
Monday, June 1, 2009
wsup long burps and back pains

2nd- Werris is a jerk to me but I kinda just accept it. I think I was just PMSing. I just found it stupid that I was like the only one to finish the super-super homework and she was still being a big ol' jerk to me. Oh well!
3rd- Garrison talked about the summer projects and all I could think was, DAMN SUCKS FOR YALLZ. The rest of the period, talked to Munir about random things and read his symbol project in different accents
4th- No final in French, haha can I just leave school early?!
Lunch- AP Summer Project meeting
5th- The hududu's presented their system project. Munizzle's house on Wednesday (:
6th- Lost in badminton ): sooo sad. Mafreako and I found a nice ass spot to cool down doh
Felt lightheaded from lack of food and excessive sweating. Went to Aus' house a complete zombie until he finally put some food into me. Nice ol' relaxing day of resting, tickling, etc. Lub da Bubbah<3
Slept all the rest of the day, damn lethargy.
Last day of confirmation. I can't decide if I really want to be a catechist, sooo much commitment. Plus they expect me to put all the training sessions before work, sports, etc. I just don't know.